Articles for the general public

- including some French and Spanish translations

Stammering and Post-Traumatic Stress – Some food for thought Article originally published 2016 by The British Stammering Association (now STAMMA)
The paradox of non-avoidance (essay – pdf)
The uses and abuses of dysfluency (essay – pdf)

Mindfulness and Stuttering: How can mindfulness help? (essay – pdf)

Orchestral Speech: A technique for when you really need to be fluent (essay – pdf)

The Jump: A powerful new technique to get out of blocks and overcome fear of stuttering (Essay – pdf)

Van Riper’s Block Modification Techniques: Might they possibly do more harm than good? (essay – pdf)

A clinical adaptation of the Covert Repair Hypothesis by a person who stutters. Abridged version of Chapter 22 from the book “The Perfect Stutter” (Brocklehurst, P. H., 2021).

Reviewing the Covert Repair )Hypothesis  Abridged version of Chapter 24 from the book “The Perfect Stutter”(Brocklehurst, P. H., 2021).

Psyscholinguistic insights into dialogue. Abridged version of Chapter 28 from the book “The Perfect Stutter” (Brocklehurst, P. H., 2021) – pdf

The Variable Release Threshold (VRT) Hypothesis of Stuttering Abridged version of Chapter 31 from the book “The Perfect Stutter”(Brocklehurst, P. H., 2021).

Stuttering, Dopamine and Incentive Learning Abridged version of an Appendix to the book “The Perfect Stutter”(Brocklehurst, P. H., 2021)

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